Andreas Trobollowitsch

rotation and based sound and drawing installation

09, Feb. 2024 - 21, Feb 2024

OPEN 12:00 - 20:00 / CLOSED: Wednesday + Thursday


09. Feb. - 21. Feb. exhibition of walkmanpaintings

*Opening Reception 18:00 - 20:00 at 09, Feb.

21. Feb. performance extract #1 by Andreas Trobollowitsch





主なフェスティバル・会場 Festival Novas Frequências(リオデジャネイロ)、Tsonami Festival(バルパライソ)、Festival Maintenant(レンヌ)、

フェスティバル・ドトリンピック(ソウル)、エレベート(グラーツ)... Super Delux Club(東京)、Ex Teresa Arte Actual(メキシコ・シティ)、Condit(ブエノスアイレス)、


またschraum(ベルリン)、Monotype records(ワルシャワ)、Filmarchiv Austria(ウィーン)、Crónica records、Sonoscopia(いずれもポルト)



Andreas Trobollowitsch is an Austrian artist and composer.

Based on rotation and feedback systems he uses mainly modified everyday objects, prepared fans and music instruments.

He has been focusing primarily on conceptual compositions, self-developed musical instruments, sound and drawing installations.

Interested in dichotomy of the intellectual and the physical he includes visual aspects, spatiality, movement, and the way that they

relate to sound.

Festival and venues include: Festival Novas Frequências (Rio de Janeiro), Tsonami Festival (Valparaíso), Festival Maintenant (Rennes),

Festival Dotolimpic (Seoul), Elevate (Graz) ... Super Delux Club, (Tokyo), Ex Teresa Arte Actual (Mexico City), Condit (Buenos Aires),

IMS (São Paulo), The Renaissance Society (Chicago), Harvestworks (New York), Konzertaus (Vienna) ...

Releases on schraum (Berlin), Monotype records (Warsaw), Filmarchiv Austria (Vienna), Crónica records, Sonoscopia (both Porto),

mAtter (Tokyo).

Our sound label mAtter had been released Andreas Trobollowitsch work 2019

Subtle changing overtone layers and fragil polyrhythms based on the Ventorgano, a self developed electroacoustic synthesizer.

The Ventorgano consists of guitar strings, wooden resonating bodies and converted fans which use cello-bow hair instead of propellers to set the strings into oscillation, Rotating speed, string tension and attack can be adjusted progressively, allowing the player to control micro rhythmical elements and subtle changes in the overtone spectrum.

As in Trobollowitsch's previous works, the production process of the Ventorgano is based on improvisations to be used as basic materials. The two pieces, as heard in the album, were developed by a later processor selecting, combining and cutting these basic materials, always by maintaining the nature of the instrument and focusing on the gradations in-between rhythm and drone.